What is the most important issue for trade unions in your country?
1,200 delegates have gathered in Copenhagen for the fourth World Congress of the International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC. Arbetet Global asked some of them about the most pressing concern for trade unions in their country.

Rose Omamo, COTU(K), Kenya
– It is getting the big multinational companies to acknowledge our right to organize. Several companies, many of whom are Chinese, are establishing themselves in Kenya now, but they are opposed to labor union organizing even though those rights are protected by our constitution.
Hyowon Lee, FKTTU, South Korea
– Our government wants to change labor legislation to reduce minimum wages and increase working hours.
– We are trying to fight it but it is difficult because the government has support from employers’ associations and large companies like Samsung who have very anti-union policies.
Avital Shapira, Histadrut, Israel
– What we worked most with in recent years is to reduce the social gaps and to ensure that peace is preserved.
Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, LO, Sweden
– Full employment! It is always the most important union issue. When we have full employment, we can be more offensive than when people are afraid of losing their jobs. With high unemployment comes a fear that weakens the union.
Alejadra Tamara Munoz Valenzuela, CUT, Chile
– In Chile, we can’t sign agreements for entire sectors but need to conclude agreements with each individual company. It makes it very complicated to negotiate. It is a big problem for us.